What Does the Bible Say About Money

1 Timothy 6:17-19

“As for the rich in this present age, charge them not to be haughty, nor to set their hopes on the uncertainty of riches, but on God, who richly provides us with everything to enjoy. They are to do good, to be rich in good works, to be generous and ready to share, thus storing up treasure for themselves as a good foundation for the future, so that they may take hold of that which is truly life.”

Does the Bible address money? Absolutely. Jesus spoke about money in about 15% of His teachings, and Paul also offers clear instructions about wealth. In 1 Timothy 6:10, Paul reminds us that “the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil.” It’s not money itself that is the problem—it’s the idolatry of money.

When money becomes our ultimate hope or source of security, we stop trusting God. As Paul instructs Timothy, pastors are to help their congregations see money rightly—not as a source of arrogance, but as a resource entrusted to us by God.

4 Truths About Money From 1 Timothy 6:17-19:

1) It Won’t Last Forever

Our money and possessions are temporary. They age, break down, or get spent. And when we die, we can’t take anything with us.

Paul warns, “Tell the rich not to be haughty or arrogant, nor to set their hopes on the uncertainty of riches” (v. 17). Wealth is fleeting—it can be lost, stolen, or destroyed. Instead of trusting in riches, Paul calls us to trust in God.

This doesn’t mean we should be pessimistic about life, but realistic. Our ultimate hope is not in something temporary, but in God’s eternal kingdom. “Therefore let us be grateful for receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, and thus let us offer to God acceptable worship, with reverence and awe” (Hebrews 12:28-29).

Everything we have is from God. You may think, I worked hard for what I have—it’s mine. And yes, hard work is good! But consider:

• Why do you work hard? If your goal is just to accumulate wealth or power, you’re aiming too low.

• Who gave you the ability, opportunity, and resources to work hard? It’s the Lord.

As Colossians 3:23reminds us, “Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men.”

God is the provider and sustainer. He gave us everything in the past, He provides for us today, and He will continue to provide in the future.

2) God Is the Wealthiest

In verse 17, Paul describes God as the one who “richly provides us with everything to enjoy.”Everything belongs to Him. As Psalm 50:10-11 declares, “For every beast of the forest is mine, the cattle on a thousand hills. I know all the birds of the hills, and all that moves in the field is mine.”

God’s wealth isn’t limited to material riches. He has lavished us with the greatest treasure of all: His grace. Through Jesus, we have redemption, forgiveness, and eternal life. As Ephesians 1:7-8 says, “In Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of His grace, which He lavished upon us.”

Even if you lose everything in this life, you are still rich because of Jesus. This gospel perspective frees us to hold loosely to our possessions and trust fully in God.

3) Be a Steward

Paul calls us to “do good, to be rich in good works, to be generous and ready to share” (v. 18). Generosity is not about obligation—it’s about reflecting God’s character.

2 Corinthians 9:6-7 reminds us, “Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.”

Generosity means sacrifice. It’s choosing to give rather than accumulate. It’s saying no to temporary wants so you can say yes to eternal investments.

Be generous with your church, your neighbors, and those in need. Let your generosity point others to Jesus, the One who gave everything for us:

• He became poor so we could have heavenly riches.

• He took our sin so we could be forgiven.

• He died in our place so we could have eternal life.

4) Invest the Right Way

Paul encourages us to “store up treasure…as a good foundation for the future” (v. 19). He echoes Jesus’ teaching in Matthew 6:19-20“Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy…but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven.”

Investing in eternal things means prioritizing the gospel:

• Supporting missions and ministries.

• Serving in your church and community.

• Using your time, talents, and resources to point others to Jesus.

This is wise stewardship that glorifies God and leads to true life.

Final Thoughts: A Gospel Perspective on Money

Money matters because it reveals where our hearts are. Are we trusting in riches or in the God who richly provides? Are we accumulating wealth for ourselves or using it to further God’s kingdom?

Let’s remember that our ultimate treasure is Jesus. He is our provider, sustainer, and Savior. Even if we lose everything, we have the riches of His grace and the hope of eternal life.

May we honor God with our wealth, be generous to others, and invest in what truly matters.

Awesome God

The 1980s were a unique time to grow up. From neon-colored clothes to big hair, and yes, the lingo, it was a decade full of memorable trends. Among the popular words of the time, “rad” or “radical” stood out, a term used to describe something cool, exciting, or extraordinary. Another favorite word was “awesome.” Though it gained popularity in the 70s, it remained a staple for expressing enthusiasm in the 80s. Anytime my friends or I experienced something thrilling or fun, we’d shout, “That was awesome!”

But let’s pause for a moment and think about the word “awesome.” Webster’s Dictionary defines it as, “inspiring awe,” “terrific,” or “extraordinary.” Based on this definition, there is no one more awesome than God Himself. He is the most extraordinary, the most inspiring, and the One who truly fills us with awe.

The Awe of God in 1 Timothy

In the book of 1 Timothy, Paul gives Timothy instruction on how to lead the church, guard the truth, and teach sound doctrine. Near the end of the letter, Paul encourages Timothy to flee false teaching, pursue righteousness, fight the good fight of faith, and hold tightly to the hope of eternal life (1 Timothy 6:11-12).

As Paul reflects on these truths, he can’t help but turn his focus to praise. He pens one of the most beautiful doxologies in Scripture, declaring the greatness and sovereignty of God:

“He is the blessed and only Sovereign, the King of kings, and the Lord of Lords, who alone is immortal and who lives in unapproachable light, whom no one has seen or can see. To him be honor and eternal power. Amen.”

1 Timothy 6:15-16

Let’s break down what this passage reveals about the awesome nature of God:

1. God Is Sovereign Over All

Paul calls God the “blessed and only Sovereign.” To be sovereign means to have supreme power, control, and authority. God reigns over all creation, from the smallest detail to the greatest kingdom. The title “King of kings and Lord of lords” emphasizes that there is no equal to God—no one comes close. He stands in a category all His own, infinitely above everything else.

2. God Alone Is Immortal

Paul reminds us that God is the author of life and the source of all existence. Pastor R. Kent Hughes puts it well:

“This lifts God up as the bestower of life. We humans are immortal because we will exist after death, whether in heaven or hell. But this is only because he who possesses life has created us so. He is the absolute sovereign of all life.”

God alone is eternal, existing from everlasting to everlasting. Every breath we take is a gift from Him.

3. God Dwells in Unapproachable Light

Paul describes God as dwelling in “unapproachable light,” a reference to His holiness and purity. Think back to Moses in Exodus 33, when he asked to see God’s glory. God only allowed Moses to see His passing glory, for no one could fully behold His presence and live.

This truth reminds us that God’s holiness is beyond comprehension. Yet in His mercy, He draws near to us through Jesus Christ.

4. To Him Be Honor and Eternal Dominion

Paul concludes this doxology with a declaration of worship. He gives all honor and eternal dominion to God, emphasizing His rule that lasts forever. Unlike earthly kingdoms that rise and fall, God’s reign is eternal. He is worthy of all praise, now and forevermore.

Resting in God’s Sovereignty

When we consider God’s sovereignty, it brings a sense of peace and rest. Knowing that our lives are in the hands of the One who is all-powerful, all-knowing, and ever-present should calm our fears and anxieties. As Psalm 139:2 reminds us, God knows our coming and going. He cares for us deeply, guiding our steps with His perfect wisdom and love.

In a world that often feels chaotic, it’s comforting to know that God is in control. His sovereignty and goodness give us the assurance we need to trust Him with our lives.

The Awesome God of the 80s and Today

So, as I think back to the 80s and the word “awesome,” I can’t help but smile. The word might have been used for everything from cool skate tricks to blockbuster movies, but its true meaning points us to someone far greater. God alone is truly awesome—amazing in His love, extraordinary in His power, and inspiring in His holiness.

May we live in awe of Him, giving Him the honor and glory He deserves.

The Enduring Dangers to True Preaching

My brother-in-law recently reminded me of a book I read some time ago, Preachers and Preaching by D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones. He pointed out how Jones was able to point out dangers regarding preaching in his day which exist today. This book is a collection of lectures he delivered at Westminster Theological Seminary in 1971. He was given the freedom to lecture on any topic, and he chose the ministry of preaching because of its unparalleled importance in Christendom.

Lloyd-Jones writes:

“To me the work of preaching is the highest and the greatest and the most glorious calling to which anyone can ever be called.”

Over the six weeks of lectures, Lloyd-Jones explored the vital role of preaching as the ministry of the Word—a ministry that is as needed today as ever. He also addressed dangers that threatened preaching in his day, which remain pressing concerns for the church now.

Lloyd-Jones boldly claimed:

“If you want something in addition to that I would say without hesitation that the most urgent need in the Christian Church today is true preaching; and as it is the greatest and the most urgent need in the Church, it is obviously the greatest need of the world also.”

He identified three major dangers to preaching that are as relevant today as they were in the 1970s.

1. The Loss of Belief in the Authority of Scripture

Lloyd-Jones observed that many preachers lacked confidence, humility, and trust in God’s Word. A diminished view of Scripture had hollowed out truth, leaving sermons to focus on ethical speeches, moral uplift, or socio-political commentary rather than the gospel. He writes:

“But as the belief in the great doctrines of the Bible began to go out, and sermons were replaced by ethical addresses and homilies, and moral uplift and socio-political talk, it is not surprising that preaching declined.”

This danger is just as present today. Some pastors hesitate even to call it “preaching,” opting for terms like “giving a talk,” as if “preaching” is too harsh or outdated. However, preaching is distinct from mere speech because it proclaims the truth and life found in the gospel. The preacher heralds the good news of what Jesus has done as the Redeemer of sinners.

Yes, the message of the cross is offensive—it is foolishness to those who are perishing (1 Corinthians 1:18). But preachers must not shrink back from declaring it. Sadly, some ministries are driven by the latest headlines, allowing cultural issues to dictate their direction. Others avoid the reality of sin, reducing sermons to moral encouragement rather than gospel proclamation.

2. The Danger of the “Great Pulpiteer”

Lloyd-Jones warned against the professional orator who prioritizes style over substance. He writes:

“You see, the form became more important than the substance, the oratory and the eloquence became things in and of themselves, and ultimately preaching became a form of entertainment.”

This is not to say preachers shouldn’t strive to grow as communicators. Clarity and accuracy are essential, and preachers should work to avoid distracting habits or filler words. But style must never overshadow the truth of the gospel.

The warning against “itching ears” in 2 Timothy 4:3 remains relevant today. There are many skilled communicators who can stir emotions or elicit reactions, but true preaching relies on the Holy Spirit. The faithful preacher focuses on understanding the text, preaching first to his own heart, and proclaiming the gospel unapologetically.

3. The Danger of Not Knowing What Preaching Really Is

Lloyd-Jones criticized preaching that feels like a recited paper or lecture rather than a proclamation. He writes:

“They paid great attention to literary and historical allusions and quotations and so on.”

This approach results in sermons that are more academic than life-giving. Preaching is not a mere intellectual exercise; it is a dying man addressing dying men, pointing them to the One who brings life. It is proclaiming the gospel to spiritually blind people, directing them to the Light of the World who gives sight.

When preaching loses this focus, it becomes shallow and diluted, lacking the depth that convicts and transforms.

I am deeply grateful for the wisdom of D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones and his collection of lectures on preaching. Though these dangers were identified decades ago, they are just as real and relevant for the church today. May we heed his warnings, hold fast to the authority of Scripture, and proclaim the gospel boldly, for it remains the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes (Romans 1:16).

Satisfied in Him: Lessons from Jesus Feeding the 5,000

Have you ever felt that perfect satisfaction after a good meal? The kind that makes you want to just sit back and take a nap? It’s a small taste of what it feels like to be truly content. In Mark’s Gospel, we encounter a story where satisfaction goes beyond the physical—a moment where Jesus not only met people’s hunger but also their deeper needs.

Mark 6:42 captures this beautiful conclusion to the miraculous feeding of the 5,000:

“And they all ate and were satisfied.”

But what led to this moment? Let’s take a closer look at Jesus’ example and the lessons we can draw from this event.

The Compassion of Jesus

Mark 6:34 gives us a glimpse of Jesus’ heart:

“When he went ashore, he saw a great crowd, and he had compassion on them, because they were like sheep without a shepherd. And he began to teach them many things.”

Jesus’ compassion wasn’t just a passing emotion—it moved him to action. He saw the crowd’s spiritual hunger first and began teaching. But he also recognized their physical hunger and didn’t ignore it. This is the model for us: love that cares for the whole person, not just one aspect of their needs.

Avoiding Callousness

The danger we face today is becoming calloused to the needs of others. Instead of seeing people through a lens of compassion, we can start to see them as burdens or, worse, as problems to be judged. But Jesus challenges us to look deeper. True compassion compels us to act—not out of obligation, but out of love.

Understanding the Need

Jesus understood that the crowd’s needs were both spiritual and physical. They came to hear his teaching, but their growling stomachs could have distracted from their ability to receive the message.

If Jesus had ignored their physical hunger, his teaching may have been harder for them to focus on. Instead, he met both needs, demonstrating his care for the whole person.

God’s Heart for Needs

Jesus’ response reminds us of God’s generous nature. In Matthew 7:9-11, Jesus teaches:

“Which one of you, if his son asks him for bread, will give him a stone? Or if he asks for a fish, will give him a serpent? If you then, who are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father who is in heaven give good things to those who ask him!”

God knows our needs and delights in meeting them. As followers of Christ, we’re called to recognize the needs around us—both spiritual and physical—and to respond with the same heart of generosity.

Listening and Discernment

To understand the needs of others, we must listen well and ask thoughtful questions. Sometimes, the greatest need is spiritual—a longing for the hope and truth of the Gospel. Other times, it’s practical—a meal, shelter, or help with everyday struggles. Prayer and discernment through the Holy Spirit are essential to identifying how we can serve others best.

Meeting the Need

The beauty of this story is that what seemed impossible—a few loaves and fish feeding thousands—was made possible by Jesus. This reminds us that when we feel unequipped to meet the needs around us, God can work through us in powerful ways.

God’s Resources, Not Ours

Even if we can’t meet every need on our own, we serve a God who can. He often uses the collective efforts of his people—the church, Christian organizations, and individual believers—to provide for others.

Prayerful Conversations

As we seek to meet needs, we should also stay in prayer, asking God for the right words and opportunities to share the gospel. Every act of service points back to the ultimate source of satisfaction: Jesus himself.

Satisfied in Him

In the feeding of the 5,000, Jesus not only provided food but demonstrated his ability to meet the deepest needs of the human heart. The response of the crowd—satisfaction—points us to a greater truth: true fulfillment is found in Christ alone.

Let’s follow Jesus’ example by approaching others with compassion, understanding their needs, and trusting God to work through us. As we do, we can witness how he meets needs and brings satisfaction in ways we never thought possible.

Strengthened by Love: A Prayer for a New Year

As we start a new year, many of us want to do better in different areas of life:

 • Better with our money

 • Better with our time

 • Better with our attitudes

These are all great resolutions, but real and lasting change begins with a transformed heart—a change only Jesus can bring.

A New Year Prayer:

The apostle Paul’s prayer for the Christians in Ephesus is a powerful prayer for us as well as we step into a new year:

”…that according to the riches of his glory he may grant you to be strengthened with power through his Spirit in your inner being, so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith—that you, being rooted and grounded in love, may have strength to comprehend with all the saints what is the breadth and length and height and depth, and to know the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge, that you may be filled with all the fullness of God. Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever. Amen.” (Ephesians 3:16–21, ESV)

Take a moment to reflect on what Paul is asking for in his prayer for the church.

Be Strengthened

Paul prays not only that we would be strengthened with God’s power through the Holy Spirit, but at the heart of his prayer is a plea for Christians to be rooted and grounded in the multi-dimensional love of Christ.

Paul also prays for a second strength—that we would have the strength to comprehend Christ’s love. This is a love that surpasses knowledge. It’s a love that goes deeper, wider, higher, and longer than we can ever fully grasp. The sacrificial love of Christ is beyond measure—the One who knew no sin took on our sin so that we might become the righteousness of God.

How true it is that when we dwell on the love of Christ, everything else begins to change. Our time is no longer our own; it takes on a gospel urgency. Our money and resources are seen as tools for gospel ministry. Even our behavior transforms—not because of mere effort, but because of a heart that has been changed by the love of Christ.

This year, let’s make it our prayer to grow in strength, faith, and a deeper understanding of Christ’s love. With His power at work in us, we can trust Him to do far more abundantly than all we ask or imagine—for His glory and our good.

And as we pray, may we depend on the Lord moment by moment to strengthen us to comprehend His love and to grow in it each day.